ZERO Cookie Policy....

I effin hate cookies. What started off as wee bits of info to help you out on the web has now been nicked by greedy capitalists to screw you. Anyway, be assured that I couldn't give a rat's ass who you are or why you are here and that I don't keep any info on you as far as I know. Your experience on this site would not be enhanced by cookies, so it's a cookie free zone.

About Advertising Cookies...

Well you know how all sites say something like "We value your privacy", well what that actually means is that your privacy has a value and the advertising bunch just love slurping your privacy because it makes them money.
Now, you may be of the opinion that you're not worth much and what harm could it possibly do if they have a wee bit of your info. I mean what could they possibly do with it?


Now, I'm not making stuff up here, but when government A wants to spy on government B, they need a way in and one of the ways in (given that government B isn't going to stick its most important stuff on the web) is to find a weakness in a person or persons and exploit it.

And the way they do that is by gathering little itsy bitsy bits of info on that person or persons in order to build up profiles. And once they've got a profile built they can spot weakness and therefore exploit that weakness so that they can manipulate that person or persons to do what government A wants.

This is exactly what the advertising bunch does, so they can sell you more stuff or make you vote in a particular way or whatever.

Anyhoo...It is at this point (according to the EU) I have to give you options, so if you want to stay, then stay. If you want to go, click here and you will be taken to the worst search engine on the planet (IMHO). Yup, BING.